--> Stop Hidden Mold with Proven Accuracy and Inspection

Mold Testing & Inspection

Your Local solution to
Mold testing and Inspection

tailored to safeguard your family’s health

Fair Winds Building Inspection Services, LLC BBB Business Review

Fast and Reliable Testing Available Today In Greater Tampa Area!

Professional Mold Testing
you can trust

“With advanced sampling and fast result, we accurately identify mold issues, helping you make informed decisions to protect your home and your family’s health in Tampa and surrounding areas.”

Schedule Mold Testing

On-Site Sampling

Laboratory Analysis

Mold Spore Count Report

Common Signs You Need Mold Testing

Types of Mold Testing

Don’t let mold affect your home or health —schedule your professional mold test now!

Advanced Mold Inspection
for a safer, healthier home

“Our professional mold inspection pinpoints mold at its source using advanced tools to assess visible and hidden areas, ensuring your home is thoroughly inspected and safe for your family.”

Why Mold Inspection Matters

Initial Consultation

Discuss your concerns and schedule an inspection

Visual Inspection

Check for visible mold and moisture intrusion

Moisture Mapping

Use advanced tools to detect moisture source

Air Sampling

Conduct a lab testing for air borne mold spores

Detailed Mold Inspection Report

Comprehensive report with actionable recommendation

“Discover what’s hiding in your home – schedule your professional mold inspection today!”